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全国学科评估A+ 精品课程 注重实战




  The School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS) at Beijing Normal University (BNU) is renowned for its outstanding research in pure and applied mathematics. It began to enroll students as early as 1915 and was a pioneer in the establishment of mathematics in modern China.

        SMS researchers have achieved notable results in algebra, analysis, geometry, differential equations, probability, scientific computing, mathematical biology and mathematical education. One extraordinary example is the research group for probability theory led by Professor mu-fa  chen, the first Innovative Research Group of mathematics funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2002-2010, three stages in nine years). This group has been called “a school” in five reviews by mathematicians abroad. Among its members, the most famous are Zenghu Li and Fengyu Wang, both of whom are Chang Jiang Scholars, China's most prestigious academic honor. Their works are often cited, with their methods or concepts often referred to as “Chen's coupling and distance method”, “Wang's Harnack inequality”, “Dawson-Li stochastic differential equation”. In the study of virtual knots, Dr. Zhiyun Cheng, a young faculty member, has introduced the concept of chord index by extending the notion of chord parity from Z2 to all integers. As a result, several new index type invariants have been defined in recent years. This method has been named “Cheng coloring” by Louis Kauffman, a leading expert and the founding editor of the Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications.

  At present, the SMS has a faculty of 81 members: two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science (one of whom is also an academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences); one key speaker at the International Congress of Mathematics (ICM); three Chang Jiang Scholars; four winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund of China; one highly cited scholar selected by Elsevier in 2014-2018; two Fellows of the American Mathematical Society; and one Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in America. Faculty members sever on as many as sixty editorial boards of various academic journals and book series.

  The BNU School of Mathematics is now among the top 100 in many international ratings and ranks 45th/30th /29th on the US News Best Global Universities list in 2018/2017/2016. Since 2007, it has been in the top 1% as rated by Essential Science Indicator (ESI) International Academic Rankings, ranking 77th /79th /87th in 2018/2017/2016.

  The SMS has comprehensive undergraduate/graduate programs and puts a premium on the overall capacity in research, teaching, application and management. Guaranteed a good knowledge of both basic mathematics and its newest developments, students are enabled to be creative in research and competent in teaching. It boasts many brilliant graduate students, such as Mu-fa Chen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Science and of the Third World Academy of Science; Shouzheng Tang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Science; Runze Li, chief editor of The Annals of Statistics, a noted journal in statistics; Yun Liu, the ex-vice CEO of Google, now Chief Business Officer of Qihoo 360. By now, there have been as many as 476 students awarded Ph.D. degrees and 1956 have earned MA degrees. At least 156 alumni are leading teachers in middle schools, and twelve Ph.D. graduates were the winners of the Humboldt Research Fellowship.



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